
Faqs overlay text goes here

Some of your Questions:

Q. How do I join?

To join you must be an Alumnus of PAF college Sargodha. Joining process is very simple. Just click on the register button on any page and fill out your form with correct particulars. Hence, you will be registered. For more information or facing any problem, have your say at webmaster@sargodhian.com

Q. How often do reunions take place?

Reunions occur every year and will be notified by all means available.

Q. How can I order Souvenirs?

To order Souvenirs just go to shop and click on the item you want to order also indicate how many items you want to purchase. On the exit check out cart will confirm your order and ask for destination. Do fill that form too. 
For more information have your say at webmaster@sargodhian.com

Q. How are the Souvenirs sent?

Right now there is no facility available to send souvenirs. But in the future it will be. For now, you can get your souvenirs from the college.

For more information have your say at webamster@sargodhian.com